Thursday, 14 April 2011

2011 30 Day Song Challenge - Day Five

A song reminding me of someone.

Oi vey! These are getting tougher not easier. In part I have a bad memory and being slightly stubborn, I didn't want to pick something from more recent times. Music has always been a big part of  my life. The maternal line of my family like singing (I'm the odd duck and that would be a post for another time). Since my Nana got a mention yesterday, decided today it was my mother's turn.

She has done yoga since I was a teenager - sure it's why she is so (relatively) zen dealing with life. This song was one on a cd she gave me when my son was born. She would sing along with it to him, and sing it without the cd. She loves kirtan, an Indian form of sacred chanting and meditation.  This particular song has been done with a choir (and yes, it is long - in part the form of song to achieve a meditative state) but it works.

The interesting thing I found with this song selection was it wasn't so much the song or its lyrics that reminded me of someone, it was the situation/event/memory associated with someone and the song.

Saying that, this one does manage to combine to the two - the person and the memory association.

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