Saturday, 16 April 2011

30 Day Song Challenge Day Seven

Certain event + song association = today's choice. Another no brainer for me. It's short and sweet, not to mention one I could use for tomorrow's selection (knowing all the words to). Welcome to Green Day, Time of Your Life

For many, this song may remind them of the end of the TV series Seinfeld but for me, it's my divorce song. 
Yup, this came out as I was going through a tumultuous period in my life. The lyrics were, and to this day are,  poignant. I have no regrets about my marriage nor our eventual separation and the lyrics reflect my view of our relationship. 

I posted the recorded version, but this is a song that also is amazing to hear live versions of, which alas I've yet to do but YouTube is a wonderful place to waste time, lose hours, er, find things.

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